Aug 9, 2007

dearest intertron

We've been really spotty with updates since opening pikturesk. I know I've been pretty lazy the whole time. I bring this up because I really want to know if anyone still gives us a read. There's never been many of you, but is there any at all? Please let us know with just a simple comment. If you can, suggest something that would make it more worth
reading (even if it's the obvious "post more shit" or "post better shit").

I'm considering giving the place a new look and adding one or two new contributors, but what's most important right now is defibrillating this sucker.


gnarf said...

whatever it takes man. i'm pretty disappointed in how quickly this place died. i guess there are so many better art blogs out there with much better content...

i don't want to think of it as a competition or anything, just a place to showcase our work. and i don't crave comments, but there's a point we publicize this. at least a sign of life to motivate.

Anonymous said...

I always read this shit man, it just when you guys stopped posting that I forgot to visit. If ihad a memo teeling me yous started drawing again I woulda come straight back. also, it would be an interesting read if you guys along with your sketch for the day wrote a little something about yor day, your thoughts on a particular topic, or just re-leasing your lo4d on teh innenet, blog. (chuckle)


Anonymous said...

that's a good point!
if we do get some sort of momentum going i will inform some of the world we are here

now that i'm back at home i can start thinking more about this :)

Anonymous said...

and i'll do wordier posts as soon as i find something to talk about at length

Zyrshnikashnu said...

I come around every now and then. I enjoy tacognarf art.

Anonymous said...

i like your art

it is fun for fun boys who like fun (:

Anonymous said...

that was me by the way